Knitting Q&A: What does "No stitch" mean in lace knitting? | Pattern Duchess
Knitting Q&A: What does "No stitch" mean in knitting?

Usually, you will see “no stitch” in lace knitting as shaded boxes on lace charts if the stitch count doesn’t remain constant. It changes from row to row/round to round. “No stitch” does not need an extra step from your part.

You just skip these boxes and move on.

If “no stitch” box(es) are at the end of the row/round, you just turn your work and move on with next row/round.

If “no stitch” box(es) are between the live stitches, then you will work until the “no stitch” part, skip it and work what’s come after that.

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Gigi Gilliam

    Do you leave the stitch for no stitch on the left needle or move the the right needle

    1. PatternDuchess

      Neither – you just take the next stitch on the chart and work into your next stitch in your work. Usually, there is “no stitch” in the chart if there has been increasing and decreasing of stitches on different rows (meaning, row stitch count is different), and “no stitch” helps to mark it on the chart.

      I hope it makes sense.

  2. Sandra

    Is there a way to show this in video format? The “No Stitch” part.

    1. PatternDuchess

      Thank you for the suggestion! 🙂

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