Quick Lacy Weekend Scarf Free Knitting Pattern

This knitting project is quick, lacy and fairly easy. I will call it the Weekend Scarf. You know….because it’s a good knitting project for the weekend….

While I absolutely love nupps, I can totally understand you may not be too keen on it. So, you can replace all nupp stitches with knit stitch if you want. However, I must say, you will miss out on the pattern this way.

If you like this scarf then you might like my Solitaire Shawl. (with no nupps whatsoever)

You’ll need:

  • 150g / 573 yards fine yarn – I used DROPS Baby Merino
  • Pair of long needles 3mm / US 3

Abbreviations: see below on chart key

Simple lace scarf knitting pattern (free)Workflow:

Cast on 51 sts.

Step 1: Knit first row and work the Star pattern A (rows 1 to 47).

Step 2: Work the lace pattern B (rows 1 to 12) and work 12 rows of Stockinette stitch (k on RS and p on WS knitting first 5 and last 5 stitches).

Repeat step #2 12 times total and work the lace pattern B.

Step 3: Knit 1 row (on RS) and work the Star pattern A.

Cast off.

Hide in yarn ends and block.

Star pattern A:

Row 1 (WS): knit;
Row 2 (RS): k8, (YO, k2tog) repeat to last 7 stitches, knit last 7 sts;Star pattern for Weekend Scarf
Row 3: knit;
Row 4: knit;
Row 5: k5, p to last 5 sts, k5;
Row 6: knit;
Row 7: knit;
Row 8: k8, (YO, k2tog) repeat to last 7 stitches, knit last 7 sts;
Row 9: knit;
Row 10: knit;
Row 11: k5, p to last 5 sts, k5;
Row 12: k8, (k2, YO, ssk, k5, k2tog, YO, k10) repeat 2 times, k1;
Row 13: k5, p to last 5 sts, k5;
Row 14: k8, (k3, YO, ssk, k3, k2tog, YO, k11) repeat 2 times, k1;
Row 15: k5, p to last 5 sts, k5;
Row 16: k8, (YO, ssk, nupp, k1, YO, ssk, k1, k2tog, YO, k1, nupp, k2tog, YO, k8) repeat 2 times, k1;
Row 17: k5, p to last 5 sts, k5;
Row 18: k8, (k1, YO, ssk, nupp, k1, YO, sk2p, YO, k1, nupp, k2tog, YO, k9) repeat 2 times, k1;
Row 19: k5, p to last 5 sts, k5;
Row 20: k10, YO, ssk, nupp, k3, nupp, k2tog, YO, k4, k2tog, YO, YO, ssk, k4, YO, ssk, nupp, k3, nupp, k2tog, YO, k11;
Row 21: k5, p20, k1, p20, k5;
Row 22: k11, YO, ssk, nupp, k1, nupp, k2tog, YO, k3, (k2tog, YO, YO, ssk) twice, k3, YO, ssk, nupp, k1, nupp, k2tog, YO, k12;
Row 23: k5, p18, k1, p3, k1, p18, k5;
Row 24: k12, YO, ssk, nupp, k2tog, YO, k6, k2tog, YO, YO, ssk, k6, YO, ssk, nupp, k2tog, YO, k13;
Row 25: k5, p20, k1, p20, k5;
Row 26: k10, k2tog, YO, (k1, nupp) twice, k1, YO, ssk, k2, (k2tog, YO, YO, ssk) twice, k2, k2tog, YO, (k1, nupp) twice, k1, YO, ssk, k11;
Row 27: k5, p18, k1, p3, k1, p18, k5;
Row 28: k9, k2tog, YO, k1, nupp, k3, nupp, k1, YO, ssk, k3, k2tog, YO, YO, ssk, k3, k2tog, YO, k1, nupp, k3, nupp, k1, YO, ssk, k10;
Row 29: k5, p20, k1, p20, k5;
Row 30: k8, (k2tog, YO, k1, nupp, k2tog, YO, k1, YO, ssk, nupp, k1, YO, ssk, k8) repeat 2 times, k1;
Row 31: k5, p to last 5 sts, k5;
Row 32: k7, (k2tog, YO, k1, nupp, k2tog, YO, k3, YO, ssk, nupp, k1, YO, ssk, k6) repeat 2 times, k2;
Row 33: k5, p to last 5 sts, k5;Lace pattern for Weekend Scarf
Row 34: k8, (k2, k2tog, YO, k5, YO, ssk, k10) repeat 2 times, k1;
Row 35: k5, p to last 5 sts, k5;
Row 36: k8, (k1, k2tog, YO, k7, YO, ssk, k9) repeat 2 times, k1;
Row 37: k5, p to last 5 sts, k5;
Row 38: knit;
Row 39: knit;
Row 40: k8, (YO, k2tog) repeat to last 7 stitches, knit last 7 sts;
Row 41: knit;
Row 42: knit;
Row 43: k5, p to last 5 sts, k5;
Row 44: knit;
Row 45: knit;
Row 46: k8, (YO, k2tog) repeat to last 7 stitches, knit last 7 sts;
Row 47: knit;

Lace pattern B:

Chart key for Weekend Scarf

Row 1,3,5: k5, (k1, YO, k2, ssk, k1, k2tog, k2, YO) rep 4 times, k6;
Row 2 and all WS rows: k5, p to last 5 sts, k5;
Row 7: k5, (k2, YO, k2, sk2p, k2, YO, k1) rep 4 times, k6;
Row 9: k5, (k3, YO, k1, sk2p, k1, YO, k2) rep 4 times, k6;
Row 11: k5, (k4, YO, sk2p, YO, k3) rep 4 times, k6;
Row 12: k5, p to last 5 sts, k5;

Quick Lacy Weekend Scarf Chart A1

Quick Lacy Weekend Scarf Chart A2

Quick Lacy Weekend Scarf Chart B

Quick knitting project for weekend - Weekend Scarf by PatternDuchess

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Marny CA

    Looks like fun, aside from pretty. Thank you!

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