Knitting Nupp Stitch Technique #3

1. Ready to make the “nupp”

how to knit a nupp (2)

2. Knit one, but don’t let the stitch off of left needle

how to knit a nupp (3)

3. Yarn over

how to knit a nupp (4)

4. Knit again (in the same stitch)

how to knit a nupp (5)

5. Repeat steps #3 & #4 one or two more times (now you have 5/7 stitches on right hand needle)

how to knit a nupp (6)

*steps #2 to #5 – loosely*

6. Now let the stitch on left needle go

how to knit a nupp (7)

That’s it for this side. Work until the end of row, and turn your work. Now work your way to the nupp stitch.

7.  hold yarn in front of your work, and slip all the nupp stitches without knitting on to your right hand needle

Knitting Nupp Stitch - Technique #3 - Knitting Together On Next Right Side Row

8. work until the end of row, turn the work, and work your way to your nupp stitch again

Knitting Nupp Stitch - Technique #3 - Knitting Together On Next Right Side Row

9. knit your nupp together as you usually do

Knitting Nupp Stitch - Technique #3 - Knitting Together On Next Right Side Row

10. slip the stitch (you just made) back to your left hand needle

Knitting Nupp Stitch - Technique #3 - Knitting Together On Next Right Side Row

11. and knit it again (it helps you fix your nupp stitch)

Knitting Nupp Stitch - Technique #3 - Knitting Together On Next Right Side Row


Knitting Nupp Stitch - Technique #3 - Knitting Together On Next Right Side Row

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