hat knitting pattern with straight needles and with circular needles

Today I’m giving you something special. I’m thinking about colder times and if anything is certain then it’s me and some unique hat. I love distinctive hats.

Why do you even bother to knit something when it’s looking like any other, right?

So, today’s pattern is super king size winter hat.

I personally hate knitting with circular needles and I rather sew, if I need to. But I have thought about you too, if you happen to love circulars. There are two directions – one for knitting back and forth (the first one) and other for knitting in circles (the second one).

Size of the hat:
  • one size for head circumference 53 cm / 20,8 inches
  • you can get a bigger hat if you add purl stitches to every “purl section” – 1 purl stitch per every purl section (there are 4 sections – so 4 additional purl stitches) gives you additional 1 cm / 0,5 inches; [if it’s confusing let me know and I try again]
You’ll need:
  • 200 g / 7,2 oz (328 yds) of DROPS Big Merino Mix (+ maybe more for pom pom)
  • straight or circular needles size 5 mm / US 8
  • cable needle
  • sl – slip;
  • k – knit;
  • p – purl;
  • inc – increase;
  • ssk – slip, slip, knit together;
  • k2tog . knit 2 together;
  • sk2p – (double decrease) slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over;
  • p3tog – purl 3 together
  • 10/10 CR – Slip 10 stitches to cable needle and hold in back, knit 10, then knit 10 from cable needle;
  • 10/10 CL – Slip 10 stitches to cable needle and hold in front, knit 10, then knit 10 from cable needle;
  • 5/5 CR – Slip 5 stitches to cable needle and hold in back, knit 5, then knit 5 from cable needle;
  • 5/5 CL – Slip 5 stitches to cable needle and hold in front, knit 5, then knit 5 from cable needle;
  • rnd(s) – round(s)

Pattern for straight needles knitting back and forth:

hat pattern with large cables

Cast on 62 stitches so that you have enough yarn left for sewing.

*Always slip 1st stitch purl wise and knit last stitch*

Knit 15 rows of 2:2 ribbing (knit 2, purl 2).

  • sl1, (k2, p2) rep to last stitch, k1;

Knit 1 row.

Prep for pattern:

Row 1: Sl1, p2, (k10, p5) x 3 times total, k10, p3, k1 (62 sts);
Row 2: Sl1, k3, (p10, k5) x 3 times total, p10, k3 (62 sts);
Row 3: Sl1, p2, (k1, [inc1, k1] x 9 times total, p5) x 3 times total, k1, (inc1, k1]) x 9 times total, p3, k1 (98 sts);
Row 4: Sl1, k3, (p19, k5) x 3 times total, p19, k3 (98 sts);
Row 5: Sl1, p2, (inc1, [k1, inc1] x 9 times total, knit 2 stitches into next stitch, inc1, [k1, inc1] x 9 times total, p5) x 3 times total, inc1, [k1, inc1] x 9 times total, knit 2 stitches into next stitch, inc1, [k1, inc1] x 9 times total, p3, k1 (182 sts);
Row 6: Sl1, k3, (p40, k5) x 3 times total, p40, k3 (182 sts);

Start with the cable pattern:

Row 1: Sl1, p2, (k40, p5) x 3 times total, k40, p3, k1 (182 sts);
Row 2: Sl1, k3, (p40, k5) x 3 times total, p40, k3;
Row 3: Sl1, p2, (10/10 CR, 10/10 CL, p5) x 3 times total, 10/10 CR, 10/10 CL, p3, k1;
Row 4: Sl1, k3, (p40, k5) x 3 times total, p40, k3;
Row 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15: as row 1;
Row 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16: as row 2;

Repeat rows 1 to 16 in total of 3 times (2 if you want less chunky top).

Start with decreases:

Row 1: Sl1, p2, (ssk x 10 times, k2tog x 10 times, p5) x 3 times total, ssk x 10 times, k2tog x 10 times, p3, k1 (102 sts);
Row 2: Sl1, k3, (p20, k5) x 3 times total, p20, k3 ;
Row 3: Sl1, p2, (5/5 CR, 5/5 CL, p5) x 3 times total, 5/5 CR, 5/5 CL, p3, k1;
Row 4: Sl1, k3, (p20, k5) x 3 times total, p20, k3;
Row 5, 7: Sl1, p2, (k20, p5) x 3 times total, k20, p3, k1;
Row 6, 8: Sl1, k3, (p20, k5) x 3 times total, p20, k3;
Row 9: Sl1, p2, (ssk x 5 times, k2tog x 5 times, p5) x 3 times total, ssk x 5 times, k2tog x 5 times, p3, k1 (62 sts);
Row 10: Sl1, k3, (p10, k5) x 3 times total, p10, k3;
Row 11: Sl1, p2, (sk2p, ssk, k2tog, sk2p, p1, p3tog, p1) x 3 times total, sk2p, ssk, k2tog, sk2p, p3tog, k1 (30 sts);
Row 12: Sl1, k1, (p4, k3) x 3 times total, p4, k3 (30 sts);

Cut yarn leaving enough for sewing. Thread yarn end from cast on and sew your hat together from edges. If you arrive to the top, fasten yarn and wave in end. Take the other yarn end and sew the top of the hat. Make a pom pom and sew it on.

Pattern for circular needles for knitting in rounds

Chunky cable hat knitting pattern

Cast on 60 stitches.

Knit 15 rows of 2:2 ribbing (knit 2, purl 2).

Purl 1 row.

Prep for pattern:

Rnds 1 & 2: p2, (k10, p5) x 3 times total, k10, p3 (60 sts);
Rnd 3: p2, (k1, [inc1, k1] x 9 times total, p5) x 3 times total, k1, (inc1, k1]) x 9 times total, p3 (96 sts);
Rnd 4: p2, (k19, p5) x 3 times total, k19, p3;
Rnd 5: p2, (inc1, [k1, inc1] x 9 times total, knit 2 stitches into next stitch, inc1, [k1, inc1] x 9 times total, p5) x 3 times total, inc1, [k1, inc1] x 9 times total, knit 2 stitches into next stitch, inc1, [k1, inc1] x 9 times total, p3 (180 sts);
Rnd 6: p2, (k40, p5) x 3 times total, k40, p3;

Start with the cable pattern:

Rnds 1 & 2: p2, (k40, p5) x 3 times total, k40, p3 (180 sts);
Rnd 3: p2, (10/10 CR, 10/10 CL, p5) x 3 times total, 10/10 CR, 10/10 CL, p3;
Rnds 4 to 16: p2, (k40, p5) x 3 times total, k40, p3;

Repeat rounds 1 to 16 in total of 3 times (2 if you want less chunky back).

Start with decreases:

Rnd 1: p2, (ssk x 10 times, k2tog x 10 times, p5) x 3 times total, ssk x 10 times, k2tog x 10 times, p3 (100 sts);
Rnd 2: p2, (k20, p5) x 3 times total, k20, p3;
Rnd 3: p2, (5/5 CR, 5/5 CL, p5) x 3 times total, 5/5 CR, 5/5 CL, p3;
Rnds 4 to 8: p2, (k20, p5) x 3 times total, k20, p3;
Rnd 9: p2, (ssk x 5 times, k2tog x 5 times, p5) x 3 times total, ssk x 5 times, k2tog x 5 times, p3 (60 sts);
Rnd 10: p2, (k10, p5) x 3 times total, k10, p3;
Rnd 11: p2, (sk2p, ssk, k2tog, sk2p, p1, p3tog, p1) x 3 times total, sk2p, ssk, k2tog, sk2p, p3tog (28 sts);
Rnd 12: p2, (k4, p3) x 3 times total, k4, p1;

king size winter hat pattern

Cut yarn leaving enough for sewing and sew the top of the hat. Make a pom pom and sew it on.

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This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. deborawald

    Hi, I didn’t understand what the purl section. You sad that are 4 “purl section”. Please, write here wich are they the 4 sections. (sorry my english, I’m Brazilian girl and I did my best).

    1. PatternDuchess

      I didn’t “get it” at first but now I see – purl sections I’m referring to are those stitches between cables (4 purl stitches between cables) – like cable pattern, purl section, cable pattern, purl section etc.

      Does it make sense? I’m not sure how to explain it.

      1. deborawald

        Yes!!!! Thank’s for de answer!!! Now I see, have one purl section before and after the seam (first and last “purl section in the first row) , they join and become one!
        Thank you so much! This hat is amazing!!!
        You’re a amazing “craftswoman”.
        Here in Brasil, few places are cold. My state is the most cold at the Country, and I love knit hat in the winter!

        1. PatternDuchess

          Oh good, I was little bit worried whether I made it clear or not 🙂 I thin you’re so lucky to have warmer temperatures. We have cold all the times – even our summers are cold (because 20C max is cold for me 😀 )

  2. Joyce

    Hi there! First of all, love your patterns! I’m trying to make your king size hat but I’m stuck. I’m using circular needles, and confused about R3, prepping the pattern. Rnd 3: p2, (k1, [inc1, k1] x 9 times total, p5) x 3 times total, k1, (inc1, k1]) x 9 times total, p3. Can you clarify how to knit all of those? It doesn’t seem as though there are enough stitches from R2 to incorporate all those stitches. I’m probably reading the pattern wrong…
    Please help…thanks!

    1. PatternDuchess

      Sorry about my delayed answer. I’m thinking how to explain it better. Maybe I’ll just write it out:
      Round 3: p2, (k1, [inc1, k1] x 9 times total, p5) x 3 times total, k1, (inc1, k1]) x 9 times total, p3;

      purl 2
      knit 1
      knit back and forth into next 9 sts
      purl 5
      knit 1
      knit back and forth into next 9 sts
      purl 5
      knit 1
      knit back and forth into next 9 sts
      purl 5
      knit 1
      knit back and forth into next 9 sts
      purl 3

      Let me know if that helps.

      1. Joyce

        That was so helpful!!!! Thank you so much! Can’t wait to continue and hope I can continue without asking for any more help ?

        1. PatternDuchess

          No no – always ask for help. That’s how we both learn. I’m happy to help out 🙂

      2. AEREVYN Harteis

        This really clarified. Thank you!

  3. Gina

    Hi. I love the look of the hat. I’ve spent time looking for one to make. I’m not a beginner but I’m stuck on prep for pattern round 5 of the circular needle. Can you explain like you did in round 3. Thank you.

    1. PatternDuchess

      Rnd 5: p2, (inc1, [k1, inc1] x 9 times total, knit 2 stitches into next stitch, inc1, [k1, inc1] x 9 times total, p5) x 3 times total, inc1, [k1, inc1] x 9 times total, knit 2 stitches into next stitch, inc1, [k1, inc1] x 9 times total, p3;

      purl 2
      increase 1
      (knit 1, increase 1) 9 times
      knit 2 stitches into next stitch
      increase 1
      (knit 1, increase 1) 9 times
      purl 5
      increase 1
      (knit 1, increase 1) 9 times
      knit 2 stitches into next stitch
      increase 1
      (knit 1, increase 1) 9 times
      purl 5
      increase 1
      (knit 1, increase 1) 9 times
      knit 2 stitches into next stitch
      increase 1
      (knit 1, increase 1) 9 times
      purl 5
      increase 1
      (knit 1, increase 1) 9 times
      knit 2 stitches into next stitch
      increase 1
      (knit 1, increase 1) 9 times
      purl 3

      Hope this helps!

      1. Gina

        Yes it does. Thank you. I can’t wait to finish.

      2. AEREVYN Harteis

        How is “knit 2 stitches into next stitch” different than “increase”? I’m pretty confused.

        1. PatternDuchess

          It’s not, but there are a lot of ways to make an increase – this pattern requires this kind of increase, that’s why I specified it.

  4. Gina

    Im sorry to bother you again. I had a problem. When I did round 3, I did what you said in your reply. and when I did round 5 I ran short. Can you check the difference of 3 and 5. In round 3 of your pattern it says to knit 1 after the increase. In your reply it didn’t say to knit 1 directly after doing the increase. On the message you replied to me you did put a knit 1. Did I do it wrong?

    1. PatternDuchess

      Hi Gina, sorry for my late answer. Unfortunately, I don’t understand your question. How many stitches are you running short?

  5. Sally Amster

    Can you give number of stitches for each row?
    That would help me know if I am doing the increases etc. correctly.
    Thank you.

    1. PatternDuchess

      Hi Sally, the post is updated with stitch counts now.

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