pattern for crochet glass coasters

Every day sun goes higher and days get longer.

I’m already thinking about summer. Toasty weather, gentle breeze, the smell of the barbecue, cool wine and days that seem endless.

How can I possibly knit mittens, scarves, and shawls, when this going on in my head…

I wanted to make something summery and for my future garden party. This time you’ll get basic wine glass flip flop pattern and places to find add-on’ s and embellishments.

Why flip flops not usual coasters?

Because they meet several requirements at once:

  • glass markers – everyone has their own kind and glasses won’t get mixed up;
  • coasters, BUT – have you noticed that after the second or third glass of wine, people don’t use coasters anymore? Flip flops will solve this problem immediately – coaster is clinging on and you have no other choice than to use it… (and no more marks on your table)
  • table decor and mood setters… – I can choose the color scheme and make new ones as I prepare my party;
  • reusable and washable – the last one is very important to me because it seems to me that I can’t get wooden ones as clean as I would like them to be;

Isn’t it nice 🙂

Basic wine glass flip flop pattern

This pattern is for wine or champagne glass that have approx. 7 cm (2,6 in) diameter foot.

I used two colors of yarn called DROPS Muskat (50g each) and 3,5 mm (E/4 US) crochet hook. From 100 g of yarn, I got 4 fully decorated flip flops for my wine glasses (roses took so much yarn).

* NOTE! 1st dc-s are always ch2 and you join round with slip stitch in to second chain from beginning*

1: 12 dc in magic loop, join round (12 dc); (you can check the magic loop tutorial in this post)
2: 2dc in each dc, join round (24 dc);
3: *2dc in first dc, dc in next dc* rep to end, join round (36 dc);
4: *2dc in first dc, dc in next 2 dc* rep to end, join round (48 dc); fasten off and wave in ends;

You have a circle that should look something like this:

crochet circle pattern

Now you need to mark where you’re strips are going to be.

See the picture – put markers according to numbers. Firstly, mark number one. Then count 16 last rounds dc-s from marker 1 and place marker number 2. Count again 16 dc-s from marker 1, but to the other side and place marker 3.

champagne glass coasters

Finally, all you need to do is crochet chain and attach it on to the circle where your markers are. I am doing it this way: first I’ll join the yarn into marked spot number 3, ch 12, join into spot number 1, ch 12, join in the last spot, fasten off and weave in ends…

coasters that stay on

Leave it like that or decorate some more – add edgings and flowers, embellishments and embroideries. Choices are endless.

how to crochet wine glass coasters

Check out my Pinterest boards for different patterns to use and don’t forget to follow.

This is my Pinterest board for crochet patterns…

…and this is my board for DIY flowers (mostly crochet ones):

Don’t forget to share your outcome and ideas 🙂

Happy crocheting!

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