how to knit add beads to knitting

Today’s tutorial is how to add beads to your knitting with a crochet hook (for beginners).

Beads are a fantastic way to add interest and texture to any knitting project without too much effort. You know, sometimes the occasion calls for laziness and we need to follow our hearts. Of course, the technique might be tricky at first, but it will be nothing once you get the hang of it.

Where to use beads in knitting projects?

That’s a great question. The first thing that comes to mind is on lace shawls – in addition, or to replace the Estonian nupp stitches (that my patterns are full of). You could add beads on top of the “nupps” or snuggle them inside the “sk2p”s. In terms of “nupps”, you could add a bead just below the “nupp” and then one on top of the “nupp – this way the “nupp” will be just between the beads and your shawl will get a totally new look (and feel).

Another example that comes to mind is to use beads as an embellishment for sweaters – you could place beads as a border for lower edging, sleeves, and collar. Or form a pattern.

Here’s how to add beads to knitting project:

(scroll down to see the video tutorial)

You’ll need:
  • beads (choose them based on your yarn thickness – thicker the yarn, larger the bead);
  • crochet hook (choose the crochet hook based on your bead – the hook needs to go through the bead easily);

Step 1:

Find the place/stitch where you’d like your bed to go.

knitting tutorial on how to place beads

Step 2:

Take the crochet hook and grab the bead.

beads in knitting

Step 3:

Now grab the stitch…

how to add beads to knitting project

Step 4:

…lift it off your left hand needle…

adding beads

Step 5:

…and bring the yarn through the bead.

bring yarn through the bead

Step 6:

Put the stitch back to your left hand needle and work according to your pattern.

knitting with beads

That’s all there is to it! 🙂

Video tutorial:

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